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Veteran's Day Parade

Veteran's Day Parade will take place at Merrymount Park to remember veterans in military

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City of Quincy: Veteran's Day Parade Ceremony

Sponsors by: Quincy Veterans Service Department

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Quincy Veteran's Day Parade & Ceremony 2024


Monday, November 11, 2024


10:30 a.m. 

(10:30 Hours - military hours)


Parade Route:

Quincy High School via Hancock Street to World War II Memorial


11:30 a.m.

(11:30 Hours - military hours)



World War II Memorial at Hancock Street / Merrymount Parkway


Jimmy Hui, President/Chief Executive Officer at The Jimmy Hui Foundation office is very pleased to announce that Mayor Thomas P. Koch and the City of Quincy officials will be hosting a special occasion to celebrate on Veteran's Day Parade and Ceremonies will take place begins on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. where the parade will take place from Quincy High School via Coddington Street proceeds to Hancock Street in Quincy Square to World War II Memorial corner of Hancock Street and Merrymount Parkway in Wollaston area followed by the ceremony will begins at 11:30 a.m. to open the introduction and greetings to the general public.


On Veteran's Day, The Jimmy Hui Foundation and The Happy Acres Foundation office would like to take a moment to thank the veterans for their public service and dedication with the ultimate sacrifice to serve their country to keep our country safe haven here at home and abroad in the harm's way.


The Jimmy Hui Foundation and The Happy Acres Foundation office would like to pay a full tribute to thank those brave men and women of the United States military for their public service and dedication to keep our country safe and keep our nation safe haven in the harm's way.


The Jimmy Hui Foundation and The Happy Acres Foundation office would like to take a moment to honor of those men and women have been served in the military during in the World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War and Afghanistan War in the order to thank them for their service and dedication on this journey to serve their country in the harm's way on the front lines during these war zones.


The Jimmy Hui Foundation and The Happy Acres Foundation office will continue to honor of those veterans have lost their lives during in the difficult times and challenges to fight in the battle to deal with the COVID-19 complications based on their health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis here in the City of Quincy and in all across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


The American people, people of Massachusetts and the people of Quincy are here to show a full appreciation and small token with the act of kindness to care about our military heroes and the military veterans in all across the community right here at hone while in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to show with a full gesture and hospitality.


This event will open for the public are welcome to come and invited to attend the parade and ceremony throughout the day.


Mayor Thomas P. Koch will deliver his remarks to the greetings to the City of Quincy on this special occasion to celebrate on Veteran's Day ceremony.


City Councilor President/Ward 3 City Councilor Ian C. Cain will deliver his remarks to the greetings to the City of Quincy on this special occasion to celebrate on Veteran's Day ceremony.


The Quincy Access Television will broadcast live coverage on QATV Channel 8, website and QATV's Facebook Page to open for the public are able to tuning in to watch the Veteran's Day Parade and Ceremony coverage.


In the event of the weather permitting, the Veteran's Day ceremony will be held at Quincy High School Gymnasium at 11:00 a.m. as scheduled.


For more information about the Veteran's Day Parade and Ceremony event, please contact Colleen Cugini, Director of Veterans at the Quincy Department of Veterans Services can be reached at (617) 376-1194 or e-mail at with any questions or concerns.

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179 Davis Street * Quincy, MA 02170-2428

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